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The goal of Scholarly Summit is to progress knowledge by offering scholars, researchers, and innovators an elevated, free-access environment. It is our mission to help spread good, peer-reviewed material across multiple disciplines and disciplines so that new opportunities and knowledge can be widely and easily accessed.

We are an independent open-access publisher that aims to encourage academic discussion globally to preserve and enhance the highest standards of academic professionalism, to ensure important research works reach as many readers as possible. We cover a broad spectrum of topics, paying special emphasis to the quickly developing domains of science, technology, and social studies.

We place a high value on free access to research because we firmly believe that knowledge has the ability to enhance society and that researchers, practitioners, and the general public may all profit from the most recent discoveries. We encourage publishing innovation, including the most recent advancements in open-access methodologies, while upholding the strictest criteria possible for integrity and academic quality.

We at Scholarly Summit are an academic community hub, not just a publisher. We offer a forum for the exchange of research findings as well as an environment conducive to the growth of ideas, productive teamwork, and scholarship that advances society.