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Scholarly Summit is dedicated to preserving the scholarly work published in its journals and ensuring that such work remains readily available in the future. In order to provide a great opportunity for the next generations of researchers, scholars and readers to read the articles, we have a severe archive policy.

Key aspects of our archiving policy include:

Digital Preservation: Our content is protected from technology and data loss by using the most sophisticated methods of digital preservation.

Third-Party Archives: We use the services of well-established third-party backup companies to add an extra layer of protection to maintain our published content.

DOI Permanence: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) issued to our publications are registered with crossmark – thus making the articles easily accessible through a unique link to find and cite the article in question. Backup and Redundancy: To ensure the safety of our back up copies, they are stored at different locations as a precaution to various unforeseeable instances.

For further information or individual questions concerning the archiving policy please refer to our website.