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Author Guidelines

It is a suggestion that the author pay attention to these author guidelines and adhere to all the requirements as much as possible so as to allow a smooth submission process.

Aims & Scope

Get to know what exactly our journal offers through learning its “Aims & Scope” so as to check if your manuscript falls within the required specifications.

Manuscript Types Accepted

Manuscript Preparation

Introduction: The “introduction” is the first section of the manuscript which should explain the significance and background of the topic covered.

Materials and Methods: This section should provide information related to the “Materials and Methods” used to conduct the research such as original data source, material used, study aim, design, and setting. The complete description of processes, interventions, and comparisons should also be provided in the materials and methods section of the manuscript.

Results: This section should include the main and important findings of the study. The results of statistical analysis should be included in the text or can be cited in tables or figures.

Discussion: Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible and the limitations of the work highlighted. Future research directions may also be mentioned. This section “discussion” may be combined with Results.

Conclusion: A brief summary of the entire article should be provided under the section “Conclusion”.

List of Abbreviations: If the manuscript includes abbreviations, it is essential to use their full form in the first place. Authors are also recommended to provide a comprehensive list of these abbreviations with their full names under the section "List of Abbreviations", which should be included at the end of the article.

Declarations: All research articles must contain the following sections:

Citations and References:

Vancouver Reference Style

The Vancouver style adheres to a citation-sequence system, wherein the references in the final section of your paper are numerically ordered in the same sequence as they are cited in your text. This differs from the conventional method of arranging references alphabetically by author.

Reference Citations Within Text

References in the Vancouver style are cited numerically and enclosed within square brackets. For a single reference, it is cited as [1]. When citing two or more references, they are separated by a comma, and a lower number is written first, such as [1, 5]. When referencing a range of sources, a hyphen is used to denote the range, like [1-15].

If the number of authors is 6 or less, all authors' names need to be mentioned. However, if there are more than 6 authors, the names of the first 6 authors will be listed, followed by 'et al.' for the remaining authors.

Publication Ethics

Copyright and Licensing

Authors also own the copyright to their work but must provide a license to the Scholarly Summit for purposes of publishing and distributing their work.

Open Access

Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance, please contact our editorial office. We are here to help you throughout the publication process.